Data is our strategy!
We talk business and we write technically!
From Business to IT,
tour - return!
Data Training s-a nascut din motivatia de a construi cursuri potrivite pentru viata reala de la job. Cu aceasta motivatie am pornit la drum in 2019 si, de atunci, construim un progres frumos in randul participantilor nostri. Pana acum deja au participat la cursurile noastre peste 7000 de participanti si peste 50 de companii din toate industriile: Banking, Retail, Farma, Finance etc.
Auzim povesti luna de luna: "am luat interviul", "mi-am schimbat jobul", "am migrat in IT" si traim si noi bucuria alaturi de participantii de la cursurile noastre.
Intregul demers Data Training inseamna „datele in centrul atentiei”, inseamna Tech for Business, „Vorbim business si scriem tehnic!”.
Ce ne face diferiti in piata?
„Am parcurs un drum inainte, am fost data analyst, am fost sql developer si stiu ce inseamna sa inveti, sa fie greu, sa nu sti daca e bine ce ai invatat. Am ales sa infiintez Data Training ca ajutor in drumul celor care mine, sa ofer usurinta si un drum mai scurt. Mai stiu ca imi doresc ca oamenii sa ia joburi, sa castige mai multi bani, sa aiba si mai multa cunoastere. E felul meu de a contribui.
Metoda Data Training este extrem de apreciata si bine pusa la punct: pornim absolut de fiecare data de la rezultat: „Am de facut urmatorul raport, ni-l cere departamentul de Sales in scopul…Sa vedem de ce avem nevoie.” Si, astfel, identificam impreuna cam ce ne-ar trebui. Devin foarte usoare notiunile tehnice in felul acesta. Am invatat metoda de la profesoara mea de matematica din Scoala Generala. Dumneai nu a predat niciodata lectia, ci am dedus-o noi cu ajutorul ei. Ne-au ramas pe viata lucrurile invatate.
Marcela Filip – Trainer & Founder Data Training
How do we do things?
We pass on our expertise
We start the courses from result to implementation. This way we know where we want to go.
What does this thing mean? All our courses start with "Business needs… for…". In this way we know why we work and where our result is used, and the motivation is much higher when we know the usefulness of our work. We understand why we do things technically.
Then we start the technical implementation always keeping in mind the result we want to reach.
Each training we support means interaction and many kilometers in the classroom or many shares. We encourage everyone to bring situations from the job, questions from interviews to the course. We all learn from practical examples, and to see the fulfillment in the eyes of the students is our satisfaction trainers. How are we doing in class? We bring challenges: "but here if I change this, how do I work further?", "And if the report comes under urgency, how do I deliver the result quickly and be the desired one and not rework?".
Rework means the difficulty of any job. Doing and redoing means routine, stationary.
Being efficient means asking questions, knowing the need, knowing the business strategy.
We encourage additional questions and knowledge of the impact of any project!
Every job or part of a job should lead to good performance, first of the person, then professionally. A training requires, above all, organization. A training builds the base correctly and gives the trainees the chance to rigorously set further challenges, and all with the desire to do and know more.
When it comes out, there is joy and fulfillment: "I did it!" and thus the courage to continue is set.
Doing what you love means performance!
What do we learn together?
Our expertise means data, from analysis to development, from Excel to Python,
via SQL and Power BI.